A cephalometric film offers a complete and detailed profile view of the face, jaws, and teeth. This information not only shows specific facial growth patterns and the skeletal relationship between the upper and lower jaw, but it also shows the angle of the front teeth and provides a look at the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and airway. By analyzing the results of this image in conjunction with the information provided by other diagnostic records, we can develop the appropriate treatment plan.
It’s quick and comfortable to have a cephalometric film taken. All one needs to do is stand as positioned with the jaws closed for a brief moment as the digital radiographic system obtains the image. Because we use the most advanced digital technology, patients are exposed to the least amount of x-ray radiation. Once the image gets taken, the information can be analyzed, shared with the patient or any other treating specialists, and stored for mid-treatment or post-treatment comparisons.
Cephalometric films are useful in orthodontic case planning, sleep apnea treatment, and implant dentistry.